021 395 544

Chlorine to Salt Conversions

If you're considering a change from chlorine in your pool, we highly recommend a salt conversion. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this process.

Why use salt chlorination?

Why use salt chlorination?

When we draw fresh water in through our skin, it actually causes irritation and discomfort.
The water used in salt chlorination is similar in concentration to our teardrops. So we feel relaxed, soothed and have that luxurious feeling of swimming in silk.

Salt in amazing!

Two-thirds of our body mass is made up of slightly salty water and salt water is used to aid healing. But at 4500 parts per million our salinity is 10 times less than sea water.

Salt in amazing!

Convert your pool to salt today!

We're always happy to answer any questions you may have about salt conversions, our conversion process, or the benefits of salt chlorination.